Government Services Links

At mazayac, we provide our clients with the benefits of significant technological advancements to serve users of government electronic services through the unified national platform more quickly and efficiently.
On behalf of our clients, we offer numerous government electronic services such as business registration, zakat and tax services, labor and employment contracts, pensions and retirement, work permits, family disputes, guardianship, marriage, health insurance, housing, municipal services, and utilities.

Commercial Register Extract Service

In case of a dispute with a business, you need to know its commercial register details to claim your rights.
Service: Commercial Register Extract from the Ministry of Commerce
This service allows you to inquire about an institution or company, its owner, and their nationality, as well as to determine whether companies own factories or workshops or are merely shops.
To request the service via the link:

Wosul Service

Wosul Service from the Ministry of Commerce
The first piece of information a plaintiff seeks is the commercial register number of the defendant to enter the number into the Najiz system and start filing the case.
Now, you can obtain the commercial register number for any business by simply entering the company name in the search engine at the following link:


To be part of the economic development in the Kingdom, the Etimad platform enables you to view and participate in all government tenders. Register now.

Real Estate Contributions Committee

Committee Responsibilities:
1. Review all existing real estate contributions (both licensed and unlicensed) at the time of the Cabinet Resolution No. (220) dated 22/8/1426 H.
2. Assign accounting firms to prepare financial statements for each contribution, detailed reports including the shareholders’ register, their financial rights, and the legal and technical aspects of the contribution, and submit periodic reports and follow up until the liquidation of the contributions, ensuring the protection of shareholders’ rights.
3. Appoint a legal liquidator for any contribution if deemed necessary by the committee, and refer to the competent judicial authorities anyone found to be fraudulent, uncooperative, or misusing contribution funds.
4. Determine the fees and expenses for accounting, legal, engineering, and other firms, and account for them as part of the contribution’s expenses.
5. Prepare a semi-annual report on the activities and submit it to the Economic and Development Affairs Council.
6. Develop a mechanism for its work to safeguard shareholders’ rights and liquidate these contributions.


Premium Residency Center

The Premium Residency Center was established on May 14, 2019, coinciding with the issuance of the Royal Decree approving the Premium Residency System by the Cabinet. It is an independent governmental body both administratively and financially, reporting to the Economic and Development Affairs Council. The center coordinates with all state sectors and agencies to implement the Premium Residency System, facilitate the application process, and provide support to those seeking Saudi Premium Residency through its electronic services and various departments, as well as direct communication with clients from all locations.

Mazayac for Legal and Tax Services includes a team of expert lawyers and accountants specializing in handling all procedural and administrative tasks with relevant authorities and through electronic platforms.