About Us


Mazayac for Consulting and Business Services

Mazayac Company for Consulting and Business Services is a leading provider of innovative consulting solutions and business services that support individuals, institutions, companies, and the business sector in various fields including administration, professional services, finance, human resources, legal matters, taxation, and business sector services. This is achieved through its specialized experts who work in collaboration with local and international expertise houses and consulting firms across various business sectors to ensure the highest quality standards.

” Mazayac Company: Experts in elevating your project towards sustainable success ”

Why Us?

Integrity and Transparency

Transparency and clarity in delivering services to beneficiaries with the utmost integrity throughout all stages and procedures


Complete commitment to performing work to the highest standards, adhering to agreed-upon timelines and conditions with partners and clients, maintaining confidentiality of data and information throughout all stages and procedures, and adding qualitative value that contributes to achieving our vision and makes us partners in success.

Continuous Improvement

Actively contributing to the development of national talent to advance the profession, continuously updating tools in line with the latest technologies, and utilizing best practices.

Our Vision

To make Mazayac the preferred choice in consulting and business services, in alignment with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030.

Our Mission

To provide high-quality professional consulting and business services to support the local economic development of Saudi Arabia and achieve Vision 2030. This is accomplished by caring for our clients and partners, equipping them with a competitive edge through best practices and local and international standards.

We always strive to add value for our clients.

When considering entering any field, including consulting and business services, the most important question arises: What added value and unique aspects can Mazayac offer to stand out in a highly competitive market? This question led to the formation of a social cluster of experts in various fields. It reinforced the belief that consulting and business services are closely related fields that require a closer collaboration among specialized consultants. The aim is to formalize contracts and supporting services to drive business growth, as well as to engage in thorough discussions, exchanges of opinions, and sharing of expertise to achieve the best outcomes.
This cluster includes a number of expert consultants who align with our values and objectives. We take pride in having them join our team and seek divine guidance for success and achievement.

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