Supporting entities for​ companies and individuals

At Mazayac, we provide information about key entities supporting companies, individuals, and the SME sector, offering financial support to entrepreneurs, skill development, and training opportunities.


Financial Brokerage Services

Our Mission
Providing information about the services of entities supporting projects, the procedures followed by banks to grant facilities, and offering consultation to clients on their needs for facilities, loans, grants, or exemptions.
Our Service
Preparing companies and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to meet the requirements for obtaining financing, and following up with financing entities on behalf of clients to complete the financing process.



Monshaat focuses on supporting, developing, and nurturing the SME sector according to global best practices by implementing and supporting programs and projects that promote the culture of entrepreneurship, initiative, and innovation. It also aims to diversify financial support sources for SMEs.



A national platform for e-training, which is one of the initiatives of the Human Resources Development Fund (Hadaf), aimed at developing and enhancing the skills of both male and female national workforce. It provides job-related skills to support their acquisition of suitable employment and stability according to the requirements of the Saudi labor market.وتحتوي منصة “دروب” على العديد من البرامج التدريبية الإلكترونية والمسارات التدريبية المجانية لموضوعات تدريبية متنوعة تلبي الإحتياجات الوظيفية، يمكن الوصول لها في أي وقت ومن كل مكان.
إتمام البرامج التدريبية لدروب يساهم في تحسين فرص المواطنين الوظيفية وتأهيلهم لسوق العمل، وشهاداتها تعد إضافة قوية للسيرة الذاتية.


Freelance Program

The Freelance Program was launched in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development’s efforts to reach human resources, job seekers, self-employed individuals, and other citizens across different regions of the Kingdom. The program aims to enhance their productivity, skills, and experience in suitable, stable, and productive work.

Freelance Funding

(Provided by the Social Development Bank) Whether you’re employed or not, and if you wish to start your project with a simple step, we support you with cash funding of up to 60,000 SAR for approved activities on the Freelance Platform. If you want to work with ride-hailing apps, you can get funding for a car up to 150,000 SAR.

Funding for Startups

(Provided by the Social Development Bank) We support your ambition to start your project with funding up to 300,000 SAR in collaboration with several partners.

Local Content Projects Financing - Ayed

(Provided by the Social Development Bank) If you want to start a project in the field of local industries and services, we offer financing of up to 10 million riyals to support local content projects.

Funding for Emerging Technology Projects

To support technological innovators, we offer funding of up to 4 million SAR to start your project in emerging technology fields in collaboration with @McitGovSa.

Note: Mazayac Legal and Tax Services does not charge any fees for financial mediation.

For more information about the services provided by entities supporting companies, individuals, and SMEs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or if you wish to learn how to obtain the support offered by these entities, we are happy to have you contact us at Mazayac, and we will answer all your inquiries.