Writing a lawsuit in cases before the general court

3000 ر.س

The General Court is responsible for hearing all lawsuits, cases, and final evidence, and those similar to it that fall outside the jurisdiction of other courts, notaries, and the Board of Grievances. At Mustasharak for Legal and Tax Services, we provide our clients with the service of (Writing the Lawsuit Petition) for all cases that fall under

Service of Case Study includes identifying the type of case and its correct legal classification, assessing the validity of formal aspects, determining the legal position, and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the case, along with providing legal solutions and extracting defenses and evidence to be used before the judiciary.
At Mazayac for Legal and Tax Services, we offer our clients the service of (Case Study) in all administrative lawsuits, including:

The General Court is responsible for hearing all lawsuits, cases, and final evidence, and those similar to it that fall outside the jurisdiction of other courts, notaries, and the Board of Grievances.

At Mazayac for Legal and Tax Services, we provide our clients with the service of (Writing the Lawsuit Petition) for all cases that fall under the jurisdiction of the General Court, including:

Real Estate Lawsuits: Such as disputes over the ownership of a property, or a related right, or a lawsuit for damages caused by the property or its users, or lawsuits for the value of benefits, eviction, rent payments, or contributions to it, or lawsuits to prevent interference with possession or its restoration, property overlap and the right of preemption, legal action against a government entity, joint property division lawsuits, real estate contribution lawsuits, easement or boundary lawsuits, and construction contract lawsuits.
Urgent Lawsuits: Such as lawsuits for judicial guardianship, lawsuits to prevent travel, lawsuits to stop new actions initiated by the defendant to harm the plaintiff, lawsuits for the recovery of property possession, lawsuits for verification to prove a situation or a certificate at risk of being lost, and lawsuits to prevent interference with possession.
Financial Lawsuits: Such as lawsuits to prove a lien or the sale of the pledged item, lawsuits for compensation, lawsuits for the return of stolen goods, loans, and advances, lawsuits for gifts not related to property, lawyer’s fee lawsuits, service fees, rental lawsuits (movable items), lawsuits for non-traffic injuries, litigation damages claims, nuclear damages claims, lawsuits for the sale price, debt transfer lawsuits, lawsuits for non-real estate partnerships, guarantee or bail lawsuits, financial deficiency lawsuits against an agent or representative, claims for a third party to pay an amount of money owed to the creditor, claims for compensation in a non-traffic accident, and deposit lawsuits.
Traffic Lawsuits Arising from Road Accidents and Violations of Traffic Laws: Claims arising from incidents involving a moving vehicle, resulting in physical or material damage unintentionally, such as lawsuits for private rights arising from a traffic accident, and lawsuits for public rights arising from a traffic accident.
Contractual Lawsuits: Such as lawsuits to prove a contract, lawsuits to remove harm or compensate for it, contract construction lawsuits, lawsuits to annul or invalidate a contract, and lawsuits for the division of benefits, claims for documents, issuance of judicial deeds, and amendments thereto.
Settlements: Such as restoring reputation (proving uprightness after a criminal record), proving non-ownership of a residence, verification for proving a situation or certificate at risk of being lost unrelated to disputes, waiver of injury compensation or blood money (unintentional and semi-intentional), and temporary ownership documents for compensation purposes.


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