Attending a session in a case before the General Court

1500 ر.س

The General Court is responsible for hearing all lawsuits, cases, and final evidences, and those falling under its jurisdiction that do not fall within the jurisdiction of other courts, notaries, and the Board of Grievances. At Mustashar for Legal and Tax Consulting, we offer our clients the service of (attending hearings) in all cases under the jurisdiction of the General Court.

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The General Court is responsible for hearing all lawsuits, cases, and final evidences, and those falling under its jurisdiction that do not fall within the jurisdiction of other courts, notaries, and the Board of Grievances.

At Mustashar for Legal and Tax Consulting, we offer our clients the service of (attending hearings) in all cases under the jurisdiction of the General Court, including:

Real Estate Lawsuits:
Such as disputes over property ownership, or rights related to it, or claims for damages caused by the property or its users, claims for utility payments, eviction, rent payments, or contributions, or claims to prevent interference with possession or to reclaim it, property overlapping and the right of preemption, lawsuits against government entities, joint property partition claims, real estate contribution claims, boundary disputes, or claims related to construction contracts.

Urgent Lawsuits:
Such as petitions for judicial guardianship, travel restrictions, claims to stop new works commenced by the defendant that are harmful to the plaintiff, property repossession lawsuits, lawsuits for verifying the condition of an item or testimony that may be lost, and claims to prevent interference with possession.

Financial Lawsuits:
Such as lawsuits for proving a mortgage or selling a mortgaged item, compensation claims, lawsuits for recovering stolen goods, loans or advances, non-real estate gift claims, attorney fee claims, work fees, claims for damages from non-traffic injuries, litigation-related damage claims, nuclear damage compensation, lawsuits for the price of goods sold, assignments, partnership lawsuits in non-real estate properties, guarantee or collateral claims, claims for financial deficiencies against agents or representatives, and claims for compensation from a guarantor for amounts owed to a creditor. Additionally, lawsuits for compensation in non-traffic incidents, deposit claims, and more.

Traffic Lawsuits:
Such lawsuits arise from incidents involving a moving vehicle, resulting in bodily or material damage unintentionally, such as private claims from a traffic accident, and public claims resulting from a traffic accident.

Contractual Lawsuits:
Such as lawsuits for proving a contract, claims to lift harm or compensate for it, claims related to a contract of construction, contract rescission, or invalidation of a contract, lawsuits for partition of benefits, claims for documents, and issuance and modification of legal deeds.

Final Proceedings:
Such as rehabilitation (proving integrity after a criminal record), proving non-ownership of a residence, verification of the condition or testimony that may be lost and is not subject to dispute, waiving compensation for non-intentional injuries or blood money, and temporary ownership documents for the purpose of compensation.


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