Complaints and Reports Links
At Mazayac, we provide information on key entities that allow you as a consumer to inquire or file a report about commercial violations.

Consumer Protection Association
The Consumer Protection Association is a civil society organization that provides services to consumers across the Kingdom. It is dedicated to serving the community by protecting consumers’ rights through awareness, receiving and investigating complaints, and following up with relevant authorities. It advocates for consumers with public and private entities, protecting them from all forms of fraud, imitation, deception, and price inflation, while coordinating with relevant bodies and promoting consumer awareness and prudent consumption practices.

Ministry of Commerce and Investment

Klona Amn
Through the (Klona Amn) app, you can easily submit all types of security reports directly. You can file a report using a photo, video, audio recording, or by sharing your location.

Telecommunications Authority Reports

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs
Complaints and Reports System:
The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs provides citizens and residents with a service to submit reports and complaints.

Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority

Zakat and Tax Evasion Reports
Through this service, you can report VAT evasion to the General Authority of Zakat and Income.

Council of Cooperative Health Insurance
If an employee is not insured or their family members are not covered, or if they have contributed to insurance premiums, they can file an electronic complaint against the employer without needing to visit the Council’s office. Complaints are handled with complete confidentiality, with communication with the employer occurring without disclosing the complainant’s identity.
Mazayac for Legal and Tax Services includes a team of expert lawyers and accountants specializing in handling all procedural and administrative tasks with relevant authorities and through electronic platforms.