Mazayac Erp Tutorial Video

Tutorial Video: Creating Users, Roles, and Permissions

Tutorial Video: Creating Products

Tutorial Video: Buy products

Tutorial Video: Create Proposal

Tutorial Video: Create Invoice

Tutorial Video: warehouse creation and stock transfer – daily and monthly reports

Tutorial Video: Project System Settings – Create projects

Tutorial Video: Account Management (Customer and Vendor Management)

Tutorial Video: Bank Accounts (Account Creation)

Tutorial Video: Bank Accounts (Chart of Accounts)

Tutorial Video: Bank Accounts (Transfer From Account to Account)

Tutorial Video: Accounts Management (Revenue)

Tutorial Video: Accounts Management (Create a Payment)

Tutorial Video: Asset Management (Asset Creation)

Tutorial Video: HRM (System Settings)

Tutorial Video: HRM (Preparing the Salary Scale)

Tutorial Video: HRM (Payroll Receipt Management)

Tutorial Video: HRM (Individual Attendance and Departure Record)

Tutorial Video: HRM (Group Attendance and Departure Record)

Tutorial Video: HRM (leave Management)

Tutorial Video: HRM (Create a Performance Indicator)

Tutorial Video: HRM (Performance Appraisal)

Tutorial Video: HRM (Goal Tracking)

Tutorial Video: HRM (Create the Trainer)

Tutorial Video: HRM (Create training list)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Reward Creation)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Staff Transfer)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Create Resignation)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Assignment/trip Management)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Complaints Management)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Create a Job Promotion)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Administrative Alerts Management)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Termination Management)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Announcement)

Tutorial Video: HR Manager (Official Holidays)

Tutorial Video: HRM Manager (Events Management)

Tutorial Video: HRM Manager (Document Management)

Tutorial Video: HRM Manager (Company Policy Management)

Tutorial Video: HRM Manager (Monthly Attendance Reports)

Tutorial Video: HRM Manager (Payroll Reports)

Tutorial Video: Sales Management (POS)

Tutorial Video: Sales Management (POS Order)

Tutorial Video: Sales Management (Daily and Monthly Sales Report)

Tutorial Video: Sales Management (Pos VS Purchase Report)

Tutorial Video: CRM (System Settings)